When a visitor lands on your website, looking to buy, you MUST get a lot of small things right, if you want them to buy from YOU:
- They need to see, within a few seconds, that they have come to the Right Place
- The words, pictures and videos on your site need to offer the Same Benefits that got them there in the first place, only more so.
- In both cases, you need to emphasise things that Make Your Product or Service Different from the many other sites they have already visited.
- You need to provide Comprehensive and Up-To-Date Information about your product, in an easily digestible and well-written way.
- The pictures and video need to be of Good Quality, but sized for speed.
- The design of the page and the navigation of the site needs to be Well Thought Through.
- The pages need to open quickly, so Don’t Skimp On Hosting.
- The layout needs to be Intuitive.
- The Other Pages on your site need to be equally well produced.
- There needs to be some sort of Customer Testimonial, and as many as possible, ideally from a third party service like Trust Pilot.
- If you get them as far as the Buy Button, the Cost and Conditions Need to be Transparent and the process of buying should to be easy, with as many payment methods as possible.
- You Need to Have Paypal these days.
- With their finger poised over the Buy Button they need to feel that You Are Honest, Competent and the Best Source of their purchase.
- The product needs to be delivered On Time in great packaging and it needs to match what you have promised or, ideally, it should seem even better when they get it, but Returns Should Be Easy too.
As Vincent Van Gogh once said, ‘Great Things are done by a series of small things brought together.‘ He must have run an ecommerce store.
If you feel you need help doing any of this, or the many other small things that facilitate them, please feel free to get in touch.